
Sunday 26 May 2013

Having a fat butt and thighs is healthier for your brain than having a fatter stomach.
You have a 40% chance of dying within the next 3 years if you sit for more than 11 hours a day.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Eminem won an Academy Award.. And slept through the ceremony while at home watching cartoons with his daughter.
A 13 year-old boy in Florida was once arrested for excessive farting in school.
There are 51 billion google searches every month.
The number was just 2.6 billion in 2006.
The ancient Greeks believed that redheads would turn into vampires after they died.
British 1 pound coins reflect the age of the queen at the time of their issue.
Most English must b
e knowing this in New Zealand 
People who stay up later at night are more likely to have nightmares.
When you hear your own voice recorded and think you sound weird that's how you sound to everyone else but you hear your voice differently.


Barack Obama’s favorite cartoon character is Spongebob Squarepants.


The opposite sides of dice always add up to 7


                              One day is not actually 24 hours. It's 23 hours 54 minutes and 40 seconds.